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Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked

Kidney stones or the medical language of nephrolithiasis can be formed from some excessive minerals and salts in the body. If the minerals and salts accumulate in the kidneys it will form a crystal which eventually forms kidney stones.

Kidney stones vary in size from those as small as sand or as large as gravel and can remain in the kidneys or down to the channels that connect the kidneys to the bladder and can come out with urine. Kidney stones can also get stuck in the urethra so that the urinary tract is blocked and causes pain and even bleeding.

Some things can cause kidney stones to form, one of which is food. See the explanation below!

1. Eat excess meat
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked unsplash.com/José Ignacio Pompé
Meat is a source of animal protein that contains high purine. Purines are minerals that will later be converted into uric acid. Uric acid should be removed with urine, if it accumulates in the kidneys uric acid will form kidney stones.

Foods high in protein will also reduce citric levels in the body. Citrate functions to prevent the formation of kidney stones. So if you like processed meat, both beef and chicken limit consumption.

2. Consumption of excessive seafood
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked unsplash.com/ Michelle Tsang

Do you like to eat seafood? Shrimp, fish, lobster, squid, clams and crabs are indeed very delicious. Even though it is delicious to eat, you should not go too far when consuming seafood. Because seafood also contains high purines such as red meat which will later be converted into uric acid and risk the formation of kidney stones.

3. Nuts
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked unsplash.com/Maddi Bazzocco
Do you like snacking on nuts? All types of nuts, including cashews and almonds, contain high levels of oxalate. Oxalate is one mineral that can form kidney stones if the levels are excessive. Therefore limit eating nuts, so that the oxalate levels in the kidneys do not accumulate.

4. Tea and chocolate
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked unsplash.com/Helena Lopes
Who doesn't like tea and chocolate? Chocolate in the form of food or drink is certainly a lot of fans. But even though it's delicious, still limit your consumption of tea and chocolate. because tea and chocolate also contain high levels of oxalate.

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5. Salty food
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked www.pexels.com/Kaboompics
Salty foods contain high salts. The recommended use of salt is a maximum of 5 grams per day or about 1 teaspoon. Salt or sodium can trigger the formation of kidney stones.

Not only is salt that must be limited because salt is also contained in processed foods such as nuggets and sausages, canned foods such as sardines, instant food, and packaged foods. So limit consumption of salty foods.

6. Obesity
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked www.everydayhealth.com
Weight gain increases the risk of kidney stones. Obese people have the possibility of getting kidney stones 2 times more than people with normal weight. So as much as possible keep your body weight normal.

7. Certain medical conditions
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked www.citypages.com
Indigestion such as chronic diarrhea, inflammation of the intestines, or postoperative conditions of the digestive tract will interfere with the absorption of water into the body. This risks causing a buildup of minerals that can form kidney stones.

8. Dehydration
Watch out for 8 causes of kidney stones that are often overlooked coach.nine.com.au
Lack of water intake so that dehydration can cause the formation of kidney stones. If water intake is less then urine production is also reduced. So that substances that should be removed with urine settle in the kidneys and form kidney stones. So don't forget to drink eight glasses per day.

Those are some of the causes of kidney stones. Get to know the cause and do prevention starting now.


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