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Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer

Some famous figures must stretch their lives due to pancreatic cancer. An example is Steve Jobs who raised the Apple company into its golden age or actor Patrick Swayze who once played old films such as Dirty Dancing and Ghost .

Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer IDN Times / Sukma Shakti

Cancer, which also has the term silent killer because of its difficulty to be detected, certainly does not immediately appear suddenly, but there are some things that trigger the emergence of this deadly disease. What are the causes of pancreatic cancer? Reporting from various sources, let's see!

1. Diabetes
Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer npr.org
Like a vicious cycle, diabetes and pancreatic cancer are closely related. Nothing but what causes pancreatic cancer is diabetes. However, on the one hand, diabetes can also be caused by pancreatic cancer so that in the treatment of pancreatic cancer there will certainly also be treatment for diabetes.

2. Helicobacter pylori bacteria
Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer systemsbiology.org
This bacterium resides in the stomach and causes your stomach to become painful. Like the case of ulcers, you will be lazy to eat, your stomach will hurt if it is not filled and there is a burning pain in the area of ​​the pit of the stomach. This bacterium is thought to increase a person's risk of pancreatic cancer.

3. Smoking
Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer slate.com
Aware of being unconscious, smoking not only hurts the lungs and heart, but also the pancreas. This is because there are poisons and harmful chemicals contained in cigarettes that cause internal organs to experience irritation and inflammation.

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4. Old age
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Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer unsplash.com/iamfilipealmeida
Admittedly, the more we age, the more vulnerable we are to disease. No exception to pancreatic cancer, he will be more able to attack elderly people, especially those who have been above 75 years. It's easy for the reason. That's because our immune system is not as good as it used to be.

5. Those who do not have a fit body
Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer unsplash.com/@hutomoabrianto
Rarely exercise, or rather those who do not do much physical activity, is also the reason why people can suffer from pancreatic cancer. The endurance of our body is trained thanks to the physical activities that we do everyday.

Without these exercises, the resistance becomes weak and disease can enter easily. That has not been added to cases, such as obesity and unhealthy eating patterns.

6. There is a history of inflammation of the pancreas
Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer westinjurylawyers.com
For those who have had inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis, they are more likely to get pancreatic cancer if they don't maintain their body. Like a body that has a wound and then sewn, it is easier to open the seam than to tear it for the first time.

7. There is a family who has had pancreatic cancer
Watch Out Early, These Are 7 Common Causes of Pancreatic Cancer unsplash.com/@elmundoderabbit
Pancreatic cancer can also be genetically inherited. That means you have to be careful if you find out one of your family members has pancreatic cancer. For this case, you don't avoid it and all you can do is maintain your body to keep fit.

Friends, from now on keep your body fit . Reduce smoking too, to reduce the risk of deadly diseases such as pancreatic cancer. Have a healthy life!


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