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Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF

The DHF case (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ) during this rainy season, experienced a significant increase every day. Even in big cities like Jakarta, it is predicted to be vulnerable to dengue from January to March 2019. The disease caused by the dengue virus , and carried by the aedes aegypti mosquito , now plagues almost all regions in Indonesia, not only in Jakarta.

Well, you should take precautions from the start, so that later you can avoid diseases that can cause this death. Following are 7 initial steps that you can do to avoid the bite of the aedes aegypti mosquito .

1. Cleaning the bath once a week
Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF thriftyfun.com
Water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so you should diligently clean the tub because the female mosquitoes lay eggs on a wall filled with water. At least at least, you clean the bath once a week, in order to break the life cycle of the aedes aegypti mosquito.

2. Installing a mosquito net on the bed
Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF amazon.com
By using a mosquito net on the bed, it can block the entry of mosquitoes, you know. So you will avoid the bite of the aedes aegypti mosquito. Although it seems a little complicated, it doesn't hurt to try it, because installing this mosquito net is an effective way to avoid dengue fever.

3. Using mosquito repellent lotion

Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF iprice.co.id
In order for you to avoid the bite of the aedes aegypti mosquito , you should use a mosquito repellent when going to travel and when you want to sleep. Use mosquito repellent lotion that contains N-diethylmetatoluamide (DEET), because it is proven to be effective in making you avoid the bite of mosquitoes carrying the virus that causes the dengue fever. However, do not use this mosquito repellent lotion for babies under two months old, because it will cause side effects such as dermatitis, nerve disorders, and allergic reactions.

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4. Pay attention to the water storage media in the house
Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF colourbox.com
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Buckets, basins filled with water, flower vases and other places filled with water are places that often become a den of mosquitoes. It is better to pay attention to the cleanliness of the places filled with water by cleaning it regularly, at least once every two weeks, to prevent the appearance of the aedes aegypti mosquito.

5. Applying a healthy diet
Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF unsplash.com/melissa walker horn
A scientist from the University of Florida, named Jerry Butler, PhD said that mosquitoes prefer the blood of someone who has high cholesterol levels. The metabolic results that end up in the pores are considered as nutrients by mosquitoes.

Therefore, you should maintain your diet, by adopting a healthy diet to avoid cholesterol. You can try reducing cholesterol levels in your body by diligently exercising and following a diet program.

6. Reducing mosquito population by using mosquito repellent spray or mosquito coils
Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF local10.com
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes usually bite in the morning and evening, therefore you should spray mosquito repellent spray in the morning and evening, to avoid the mosquito bites. In addition to using mosquito repellent spray , you can also use mosquito coils to stop the population of mosquitoes carrying the dengue virus.

7. Don't stack too long and hang clothes
Do These 7 Simple Early Steps To Avoid DHF evolvingpf.com
If you like to pile up and hang dirty clothes for a long time, immediately stop this bad habit, why? Because it will trigger many mosquitoes that roam, one of which is the aedes aegypti mosquito.

Mosquitoes love the scent of the human body, therefore you should avoid the habit of piling up and hanging dirty clothes. If you want to hang newly worn clothes, just hang it in a clean and closed place, to avoid the reach of mosquitoes.

That is a review of 7 simple initial steps that you can apply to avoid dengue. Better to prevent not, than cure?


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