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These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision

Have you ever wondered how some of your seemingly simple habits actually affect your eyes? Certain habits are a major part of our lifestyle.

Gradually, without realizing it turns out they affect eye health. Below there are 7 common habits that you need to change or even get rid of completely, so that your eyes stay healthy!

1. Look at the screen before going to sleep
These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision health.com
Whether it's a smartphone screen or tablet screen and similar electronic devices, this habit seems to be shared by almost everyone. Exposing your eyes to a digital screen continuously and especially before going to sleep can cause blurred vision, dry eyes, nausea and dizziness. If you feel the symptoms more often, you may have Digital Eye Strain (DES).

2. Work or read under bad lighting
These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision pexels.com/Pixabay
Most people have the habit of reading late at night. In addition, most individuals work in a poorly lit environment. You must be aware of the level of lighting around you to prevent further damage to the eye. This is because lack of light can cause great tension in your eyes which eventually causes dryness and irritation.

3. Often rubbed his eyes

These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision unsplash.com/Kelly Sikkema
Try counting in a day how many times you rub your eyes either because of itching or not. Rubbing your eyes too often can cause a lot of damage to your eyes. First, you move germs from hand to eye. And second, it can tear the cornea or blood vessels around the eyes.

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4. Do not use eye protection
These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision unsplash.com/Jakob Owens
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Many people forget to use eye protection when exercising or working with equipment, welding machines, and so on. For example, swimmers may not swim without suitable glasses. Chemicals in water can cause itchy eyes, blurred vision and in extreme cases even temporary blindness.

In addition, when stepping out in the sun, people often forget to wear sunglasses. Exposure to harmful UV rays can cause eyelid cancer, cataracts, keratitis and even corneal burns.

5. Lack of sleep
These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision unsplash.com/Claudia MaƱas
Apart from several health implications such as depression, weight gain, fatigue and decreased immune function, sleep deprivation also affects your vision. Eye pain, blurred vision, dry eyes and twitching are some of the bad effects that you may experience if you don't get essential sleep 7-8 hours at night.

6. Smoking
These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision unsplash.com/Quinten de Graaf
Possible health problems related to vision have increased many times due to smoking. These include cataracts, glaucoma, dry eye syndrome and age-related macular degeneration. Those who smoke more and for a long time are even more susceptible to blindness.

7. Lack of drinking
These are 7 Everyday Habits that Turn Out to Damage Your Vision unsplash.com/Johnny McClung
Water that has a myriad of benefits also turns out to have an impact on eye health. Do not drink 8 glasses of recommended water per day (on average) and eat a high-sodium diet can cause your body to become dehydrated.

In turn it can cause your eyes to not produce enough tears. Dry eyes, red eyes, and swollen eyelids can all be due to dehydration.

If you have the above habits. especially if more than one, quickly corrected yes. Our eyes are one of the main senses that really helps our daily lives. Let's be taken care of while we can.


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