These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
We all have heard stories and unpleasant facts about fast food which is said to be not healthy and makes weight gain. But it turns out that's not how much, you know. If you know the following facts, surely you won't like it.
1. Sweeping good bacteria in your intestine
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Many bacterial studies are carried out in our digestive tract, and these bacteria are responsible for more than just processing food. The good bacteria also have an important role to absorb nutrients and help balance our moods, improve the immune system, and even keep away bad things like irritable bowel syndrome.
Tim Spector, a professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King's College, conducted a study to look at the effects of fast food on good bacteria that live in the intestine. He recruited his son not to eat anything other than consuming fast food for 10 days, which then gave a sample to see how badly the bacteria had been snatched. And the results are very surprising.
He not only lost most of the bacteria responsible for suppressing inflammation, but he also lost all species of good bacteria on his body. More precisely, he lost 1400 species.
That figure is fantastic. Research has shown that the more good bacteria in our intestines, the healthier our bodies will be. As many as 1,400 species of good bacteria contribute about 40 percent of the bacteria in their intestines, and the severity can disappear in 10 days because they eat nothing but fast food.
2. It's easy to feel depressed
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Research has shown that eating fast food (and other types of junk food ) is also associated with depression problems.
There was a study involving 8,954 people, conducted by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Granada, they examined these people by how much they ate fast food and the effects of depression caused.
There are around 51 percent who consume a lot of fast food, reportedly more likely to suffer from depression. They also found that the more fast food people ate, the more they felt in the grief hole.
The study was supported by data from other studies that conducted similar studies, but there is no certainty how fast food triggers a large correlation between consumption and depression.
One conjecture states that lack of nutrients (such as omega-3 fatty acids) has something to do with mood regulation, and there may also be a relationship with good bacteria in the gut and mood.
3. Increases the risk of asthma
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
About 26 million people in America suffer from asthma, of which 7 million children and usually asthma triggers vary from person to person. Generally, asthma is triggered by exercise, stress, allergies, and certain foods.
In a study of asthma, called the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood , researchers looked at 500,000 children from 31 different countries. They are looking for triggers that make children and teenagers more likely to develop asthma, and it is astounding when they find a correlation between fast food and difficulty breathing.
They found that consuming fast food three times a week, triggered the possibility of developing asthma by 27 percent in children, and 39 percent in adolescents. Not only are statistics statistically significant, but fast food is the only food group that has an absolute impact on breathing problems.
The researchers say that has something to do with the amount of saturated fat in fast food. In the growth period the child will have a negative impact on his immune system. Which ultimately makes it more vulnerable to the negative effects of allergic triggers.
Also Read: Be Careful! According to Research Eating Junk Food Can Trigger Depression
4. Damaging the skin
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Acne and oily skin are quite a big problem for almost everyone, and the same study by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood found a link between consumption of fast food and the effects of acne that can be caused.
They think that this can happen because of the possibility of the same mechanism in food. Fast food contains all kinds of nastiness that make our body less self-regulating, and more vulnerable to external factors, such as allergens and irritants.
Skin problems such as eczema can also attack, and only need to consume fast food three times a week. The correlation seems to be increasingly evident when researchers find there is a way to combat potential problems, namely consuming several servings of fruit.
5. Causes liver damage
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
The fact that liver damage can be caused by fast food in just a week seems to sound like boasting. But the following study.
One of the major studies conducted by Linkoping University in Sweden, which gave volunteers to consume fast food twice a day for a month, along with instructions not to walk more than 5000 steps a day.
When they tested the liver function of the volunteers, they found that their liver enzyme levels were higher than average, and their liver cell fat levels increased from 1.1 percent to 2.8 percent. And that is not something good.
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They take the idea that fast food can slowly strangle a person's organs, Saint Louis University Medical Center studies what happens when someone stops consuming fast food and starts a healthier diet.
They found that someone can reverse the damage (which is mostly done by eating too many calories, sugar and fat), as long as the person limits fast food, avoids everything that is too loaded with sugar, and starts exercising.
6. The brain slows down, and the risk of dementia increases
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Fast food is not only physically damaging, but also mentally. A study at Ohio State University looked at whether there was a correlation between tests in children and how often they ate fast food.
About 8000 children from all over the country were tested, and those who ate fast food only three times a week showed consistently a lower value tendency in schools.
When UCLA entered and began to combine smaller test results and study the correlation between fast food and brain function, they found a fairly clear pattern. More fast food consumption not only has a lower test score, but also an increase in behavioral problems.
The researchers think that it comes from omega-3 fatty acids, which are compounds that are responsible for strengthening synapses and connections between neurons in the brain, and that is also a compound often found in fast food.
Brown University researchers found that all food behaviors that are not healthy not only make a person fat, but also accumulate in the brain, making brain cells stop responding to insulin, and prevent the formation of new memories and thought patterns. This condition can lead to things like dementia and even Alzheimer's.
7. There is resistance to insulin
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
This happens when cells stop absorbing glucose from the bloodstream, and higher insulin levels are needed to keep the body from doing what they are supposed to do. This is the first step to developing diabetes.
In 2005, researchers from the University of Minnesota completed a 15-year study of fast food intake and insulin resistance. They found that only required consumption of fast food twice a week for a decade and half to get an average of 10 pounds more insulin resistance than those who did not eat it.
Being a big problem between 1980 and 2002, cases of insulin resistance in the adult population doubled. In the range of 11-18 years, it can increase tenfold.
8. Problems with the heart
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
The University of Minnesota's School of Public Health conducted a 16-year study on the impact of fast food on the heart. The results were very surprising, and they concluded that eating fast food only once a week increased the risk of death from heart disease by 20 percent.
They also found that the more fast-food consumption, the greater the possibility, such as eating two or three times a week. That percentage increases by 50 percent.
Eat fast food four or more times, the risk rises to 80 percent and can get heart disease, or even sudden death. This study tracks the eating habits and health of 52,000 Chinese people living in Singapore, and they chose a certain group to consume Western fast food for them.
Until then, they, as a society, were at risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other cardiovascular problems. During the study, 1400 participants died of heart disease and heart attacks, while 2,300 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
9. Blood vessels clog and the risk of stroke increases
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
The University of Calgary looked at the short-term effects of consuming fast food, and they found that if someone who consumes soft drinks and other fast food will cause limited blood flow to flow through the arteries.
These findings prove that one fast food can have serious consequences. Only two hours after the subject of fast food, they have 15 to 20 percent less blood flowing throughout their bodies. This is called VTI, or velocity time interval .
A study conducted in Nueces County, Texas, looked at the correlation between the concentration of fast food and stroke. The result? The more often fast food is accessed, the higher the stroke rate. Correlation seems so clear, studies suggest fast food has health risks.
10. Damaging teeth
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
From 1988 to 2004 showed a large increase in dental problems in children. This research is not only about dental problems in children, but cases of obesity and also malnutrition. That happens when they consume a lot of fat, sugar, and calories, without getting the vitamins and nutrients they need. In short, fast food.
Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, a pediatrician with the UCSF-Berkeley Medical program, found another example of how much damage caused by fast food to dental health. Once volunteering with the Peace Corps three decades ago, he wrote about the perfect smile of children from El Salvador. Since then, fast food and heavy drinks have invaded the country, and now? Smiles are less "perfect" and even "not toothed".
This is very clear evidence that all added sugars and calories cause serious damage in almost every part of the human body. There's nothing good about eating fast food every day.
It's legitimate to spoil yourself with fast food, but the amount must be greatly reduced, and don't take it too often. Balance with healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruit, and adequate exercise. Health problems are not trivial, guys.
1. Sweeping good bacteria in your intestine
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Many bacterial studies are carried out in our digestive tract, and these bacteria are responsible for more than just processing food. The good bacteria also have an important role to absorb nutrients and help balance our moods, improve the immune system, and even keep away bad things like irritable bowel syndrome.
Tim Spector, a professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King's College, conducted a study to look at the effects of fast food on good bacteria that live in the intestine. He recruited his son not to eat anything other than consuming fast food for 10 days, which then gave a sample to see how badly the bacteria had been snatched. And the results are very surprising.
He not only lost most of the bacteria responsible for suppressing inflammation, but he also lost all species of good bacteria on his body. More precisely, he lost 1400 species.
That figure is fantastic. Research has shown that the more good bacteria in our intestines, the healthier our bodies will be. As many as 1,400 species of good bacteria contribute about 40 percent of the bacteria in their intestines, and the severity can disappear in 10 days because they eat nothing but fast food.
2. It's easy to feel depressed
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Research has shown that eating fast food (and other types of junk food ) is also associated with depression problems.
There was a study involving 8,954 people, conducted by the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the University of Granada, they examined these people by how much they ate fast food and the effects of depression caused.
There are around 51 percent who consume a lot of fast food, reportedly more likely to suffer from depression. They also found that the more fast food people ate, the more they felt in the grief hole.
The study was supported by data from other studies that conducted similar studies, but there is no certainty how fast food triggers a large correlation between consumption and depression.
One conjecture states that lack of nutrients (such as omega-3 fatty acids) has something to do with mood regulation, and there may also be a relationship with good bacteria in the gut and mood.
3. Increases the risk of asthma
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
About 26 million people in America suffer from asthma, of which 7 million children and usually asthma triggers vary from person to person. Generally, asthma is triggered by exercise, stress, allergies, and certain foods.
In a study of asthma, called the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood , researchers looked at 500,000 children from 31 different countries. They are looking for triggers that make children and teenagers more likely to develop asthma, and it is astounding when they find a correlation between fast food and difficulty breathing.
They found that consuming fast food three times a week, triggered the possibility of developing asthma by 27 percent in children, and 39 percent in adolescents. Not only are statistics statistically significant, but fast food is the only food group that has an absolute impact on breathing problems.
The researchers say that has something to do with the amount of saturated fat in fast food. In the growth period the child will have a negative impact on his immune system. Which ultimately makes it more vulnerable to the negative effects of allergic triggers.
Also Read: Be Careful! According to Research Eating Junk Food Can Trigger Depression
4. Damaging the skin
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Acne and oily skin are quite a big problem for almost everyone, and the same study by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood found a link between consumption of fast food and the effects of acne that can be caused.
They think that this can happen because of the possibility of the same mechanism in food. Fast food contains all kinds of nastiness that make our body less self-regulating, and more vulnerable to external factors, such as allergens and irritants.
Skin problems such as eczema can also attack, and only need to consume fast food three times a week. The correlation seems to be increasingly evident when researchers find there is a way to combat potential problems, namely consuming several servings of fruit.
5. Causes liver damage
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
The fact that liver damage can be caused by fast food in just a week seems to sound like boasting. But the following study.
One of the major studies conducted by Linkoping University in Sweden, which gave volunteers to consume fast food twice a day for a month, along with instructions not to walk more than 5000 steps a day.
When they tested the liver function of the volunteers, they found that their liver enzyme levels were higher than average, and their liver cell fat levels increased from 1.1 percent to 2.8 percent. And that is not something good.
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They take the idea that fast food can slowly strangle a person's organs, Saint Louis University Medical Center studies what happens when someone stops consuming fast food and starts a healthier diet.
They found that someone can reverse the damage (which is mostly done by eating too many calories, sugar and fat), as long as the person limits fast food, avoids everything that is too loaded with sugar, and starts exercising.
6. The brain slows down, and the risk of dementia increases
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
Fast food is not only physically damaging, but also mentally. A study at Ohio State University looked at whether there was a correlation between tests in children and how often they ate fast food.
About 8000 children from all over the country were tested, and those who ate fast food only three times a week showed consistently a lower value tendency in schools.
When UCLA entered and began to combine smaller test results and study the correlation between fast food and brain function, they found a fairly clear pattern. More fast food consumption not only has a lower test score, but also an increase in behavioral problems.
The researchers think that it comes from omega-3 fatty acids, which are compounds that are responsible for strengthening synapses and connections between neurons in the brain, and that is also a compound often found in fast food.
Brown University researchers found that all food behaviors that are not healthy not only make a person fat, but also accumulate in the brain, making brain cells stop responding to insulin, and prevent the formation of new memories and thought patterns. This condition can lead to things like dementia and even Alzheimer's.
7. There is resistance to insulin
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
This happens when cells stop absorbing glucose from the bloodstream, and higher insulin levels are needed to keep the body from doing what they are supposed to do. This is the first step to developing diabetes.
In 2005, researchers from the University of Minnesota completed a 15-year study of fast food intake and insulin resistance. They found that only required consumption of fast food twice a week for a decade and half to get an average of 10 pounds more insulin resistance than those who did not eat it.
Being a big problem between 1980 and 2002, cases of insulin resistance in the adult population doubled. In the range of 11-18 years, it can increase tenfold.
8. Problems with the heart
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
The University of Minnesota's School of Public Health conducted a 16-year study on the impact of fast food on the heart. The results were very surprising, and they concluded that eating fast food only once a week increased the risk of death from heart disease by 20 percent.
They also found that the more fast-food consumption, the greater the possibility, such as eating two or three times a week. That percentage increases by 50 percent.
Eat fast food four or more times, the risk rises to 80 percent and can get heart disease, or even sudden death. This study tracks the eating habits and health of 52,000 Chinese people living in Singapore, and they chose a certain group to consume Western fast food for them.
Until then, they, as a society, were at risk of developing heart disease, diabetes and other cardiovascular problems. During the study, 1400 participants died of heart disease and heart attacks, while 2,300 were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
9. Blood vessels clog and the risk of stroke increases
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
The University of Calgary looked at the short-term effects of consuming fast food, and they found that if someone who consumes soft drinks and other fast food will cause limited blood flow to flow through the arteries.
These findings prove that one fast food can have serious consequences. Only two hours after the subject of fast food, they have 15 to 20 percent less blood flowing throughout their bodies. This is called VTI, or velocity time interval .
A study conducted in Nueces County, Texas, looked at the correlation between the concentration of fast food and stroke. The result? The more often fast food is accessed, the higher the stroke rate. Correlation seems so clear, studies suggest fast food has health risks.
10. Damaging teeth
These 10 Things That Happen To Your Body If You Only Eat Fast Food!
From 1988 to 2004 showed a large increase in dental problems in children. This research is not only about dental problems in children, but cases of obesity and also malnutrition. That happens when they consume a lot of fat, sugar, and calories, without getting the vitamins and nutrients they need. In short, fast food.
Karen Sokal-Gutierrez, a pediatrician with the UCSF-Berkeley Medical program, found another example of how much damage caused by fast food to dental health. Once volunteering with the Peace Corps three decades ago, he wrote about the perfect smile of children from El Salvador. Since then, fast food and heavy drinks have invaded the country, and now? Smiles are less "perfect" and even "not toothed".
This is very clear evidence that all added sugars and calories cause serious damage in almost every part of the human body. There's nothing good about eating fast food every day.
It's legitimate to spoil yourself with fast food, but the amount must be greatly reduced, and don't take it too often. Balance with healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruit, and adequate exercise. Health problems are not trivial, guys.
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