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Apparently These Are 5 Benefits of Watching a Comedy Movie That You Mustn't Know

The most common feature of comedy films is being able to make the audience laugh because the storyline is very funny. But, do you know that besides making the audience laugh loudly, watching comedy films also has many benefits like the following. See, yes.

1. Relieve stress

Apparently These Are 5 Benefits of Watching a Comedy Movie That You Mustn't Know pexels.com/Matthias Cooper
It's no secret that watching comedy movies can reduce a person's stress level. This is because funny scenes in comedy films can provoke someone's laughter and laughter is the most effective drug to relieve stress.

So, when your mind is tired because you think of many things or your feelings are upset, there's no harm in making comedy as your escape destination.

2. Improve the immune system
Apparently These Are 5 Benefits of Watching a Comedy Movie That You Mustn't Know pexels.com/Timsholder Team
Don't be surprised by one of the benefits of watching this one comedy. You must know that when laughing means your body is increasing the number of antibodies so that the body will be more immune to disease. Laughter is also able to make you always think positively about everything that happens, you know.

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3. Reducing high blood pressure
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Apparently These Are 5 Benefits of Watching a Comedy Movie That You Mustn't Know pexels.com/rawpixel.com
Watching comedy genre films is indeed great, making anyone laugh. And laughing is one way to reduce your blood pressure. Of course this is very good because it can reduce the risk of heart disease.

4. Treating pain due to heartbreak
Apparently These Are 5 Benefits of Watching a Comedy Movie That You Mustn't Know pexels.com/Pixabay
Resisting the pain when broken hearted by just being silent is not good because it can cause illness. You must be able to let go of those feelings so that they are freer and no burden. Instead of wailing and crying, it would be better for you to just watch comedy.

5. Can stimulate the mind
Apparently These Are 5 Benefits of Watching a Comedy Movie That You Mustn't Know pexels.com/bruce mars
Who would have thought that a comedy film known as a funny film turns out not only to make the audience laugh but also can stimulate the mind in the brain?

The type of comedy film that can perform this task is for example stand up comedy . In stand up comedy, the audience is forced to be able to understand and think about the purpose of the story being conveyed.

Well, that's the 5 positive benefits you will get after watching a comedy movie. Come on, start watching more comedy movies now.


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