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Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions!

Your palms keep changing with your aging age. But there are times when a change in the palm of the hand is also a clue to the health problems that occur in your body. Reporting from The Bright Side , here are some changes that you can observe in your hands, as well as possible diseases that can be obtained.

1. Red palms

Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! medicalnewstoday.com
The redness of your palm may be a problem with your liver . Under normal conditions, the red color is only located at the bottom, near the wrist. But for more severe cases, the red color spreads to the fingers.

Another symptom is that the red color looks like a rash and when you press the red area, the color will turn pale. Apart from liver problems, hormonal changes and rheumatoid arthritis can also be the cause of this.

2. Sweating palms
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! asiaone.com
This case could be because you do have organs that can produce excessive sweating, stress and consume too much alcohol. Antiperspirant can be the solution to this.

Also limit your alcohol consumption and try to be able to control your stress level. Meditation can also be a key to overcoming this.

3. Insensitive and tingling hands
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! livingwellmn.com
For those who are used to the table and doing things on the computer, this case often occurs because the sensory nerves in the area of ​​the hand are pinched for a long time. This taste will come back again after some time.

But for other cases, the symptoms may be because you have anemia, diabetes, carpal tunnel syndrome and other serious conditions. If you often experience this kind of thing for no apparent reason, immediately go to the doctor.

4. Dry hands
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! cna.plus
Dry hands can be due to a lack of fluids in your body, aka you are dehydrated. Other reasons are entering the menopause phase, the ineffectiveness of the estrogen hormone, to the less active thyroid gland.

Try to drink more and use a skin moisturizing cream. If the problem is hormones, go to the doctor and ask for hormone therapy.

Also Read: 5 Powerful Tips to Overcome Hands and Feet that Often Feel Cold

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5. Trembling hands
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! self.com
Fact: trembling hands interfere with activity, especially four percent of adults over 40 years. The most predictable through the symptoms of trembling hands is parkinsonism.

But another thing that could be the source of this problem is the overactive thyroid gland. Stress, alcohol and caffeine can also be a source of trembling hands.

6. Broken nails
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! youtube.com Asked Chaudhary
Cracking of nails can be a sign of lack of iron. Don't underestimate that. Iron helps you to regenerate and strengthen the immune system.

In addition iron also keeps your sense of taste and smell to stay sharp. Change your diet and multiply foods that contain iron such as wheat, beans and milk and meat.

7. Swollen fingers
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! buoyhealth.com
Don't panic when your fingers are suddenly sized like the sausages you eat. This can happen if you are having an STD, consuming too much salt, having too much body fluids or dehydration. Be careful if the swelling is followed by feeling sore. It could be a symptom of Rheumatoid arthritis .

8. The club finger
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! en.wikipedia.org
This is also the condition of the swollen fingers, but the difference is that swelling occurs at the fingertips or nails. These symptoms can be a sign of excess oxygen in your body. It can also be a symptom of a severe illness, such as lung cancer or even heart disease.

9. Yellow lump
Recognize, 9 Symptoms in This Hand Can Show Your Health Conditions! medicalnewstoday.com
Can be connected with your high cholesterol level. If you have this case and hold your hand, you can see the cholesterol stored in the hand. Without further treatment, this case can kill the sufferer through a heart attack, because cholesterol levels are too high.

Those are the conditions of the hands that you should know and be aware of. Ever experienced the same thing as listed? If it refers to symptoms of a chronic disease, go to the doctor to find out how to treat it.


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