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Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts!

Cataracts are conditions in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and cloudy. Cataract sufferers will experience impaired vision and see the surroundings as if there is smoke that has surrounded them. Most cataracts appear slowly and are difficult to detect. However, some of these can be signs that someone has cataracts.

1. The color of the lens in the eye changes

Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts! thesnowboots.com
The appearance of cataracts can be seen from the lens of the eye which will turn yellowish or brownish. These changes can make you start feeling color blind.

2. Vision begins to fade
Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts! misionesonline.net
Vision that begins to faint or foggy is an initial symptom that should be watched out for. Because, clots of protein in the eye will interfere with the process of capturing shadows by the retina of the eye.

3. Not comfortable with dim light
Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts! pexels.com/pixabay

When your eyes feel if the dim light becomes less comfortable to see, you should immediately see a doctor. Because, dim lights like at night will greatly disrupt the vision of people who have cataracts.

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4. Distance changing glasses too fast
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Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts! goodhousekeeping.com
For people with myopia or nearsightedness, they are required to wear glasses. However, too often and quickly changing glasses can be a symptom that indicates cataracts. Immediately come to the doctor for further examination.

5. Double vision
Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts! designcollector.net
Seeing objects in two or diplopia is a common symptom experienced by cataract patients. If you begin to experience this, you should immediately see your doctor. Because, not only cataracts, this condition can be a symptom of other diseases such as diabetes or hypertension.

6. Sensitive to light
Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts! juliofreitas.com
Finding light with high quantity does indeed feel painful. This is also felt for people who have cataracts. However, people with cataracts will feel more sensitive and feel tremendous pain around the eyes, when experiencing this event.

7. Difficulty reading writing on a white background
Beware, If You Experience 7 Signs You Can Be Affected By Cataracts! pexels.com
Reading a writing with a white background can actually make it difficult for people with cataracts. Because, the mist that surrounds the lens will interpret matching colors with more colors in the background .

Until now there have not been many cases of cataracts that occur in people with young age. However, it is better to be aware of the symptoms that arise so as not to attack the health of the body.


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