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7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor!

According to various medical information sources, hiccups are involuntary diaphragmatic contractions. The diaphragm itself is a muscle that separates your chest from the stomach and plays an important role in breathing. Every contraction is followed by the sudden closing of your vocal cords, which produces a distinctive "hik!"

Reporting from medicalnewstoday.com , hiccups can occur due to overeating, alcoholic drinks or carbonated drinks or excessive feelings of happiness / badness. In some cases, hiccups may be a symptom of a more serious medical condition. For most people, a hiccup usually only lasts a few minutes. But hiccups can last for months, though rarely. If it is more than 48 hours, consult a doctor immediately, because you might experience one of these causes!

1. You need to know the most common causes of hiccups under 48 hours
7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor! sciencing.com/
Reporting from mayoclinic.org , some of the most common causes of hiccups that last less than 48 hours, among others: drinking carbonated drinks, drinking too much alcohol, eating too much, excessive happiness and excessive emotional stress, sudden changes in environmental temperature, swallowing air which is carried by chewing gum or snacking on sweets. If you realize one of the above is the cause, immediately handle it independently.

2. You experience irritation or nerve damage
7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor! singsician.com
The cause of long-term hiccups is damage or irritation of the vagus nerve or phrenic nerve, which is directly related to the diaphragm muscle. Factors that can cause damage or irritation to the nerves include: hair or foreign objects in the ears that touch your ear drum, tumors or cysts or goitre in your neck, gastroesophageal reflux, and sore throat and laryngitis.

3. You have a central nervous system disorder

7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor! headache.com.au
Your central nervous system tumor or infection or central nervous system damage due to trauma can interfere with your body's normal control of the hiccup reflex. In this case, several examples include: inflammation of the lining of the brain, meningitis, multiple sclerosis / multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury / concussion, or tumors.

Also Read: These 6 Causes Why We Suddenly Hiccups According to Medical Experts

4. You have a metabolic disorder or are out of using certain drugs
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7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor! medicalnewstoday.com
Long-term hiccups can be triggered by a number of things, including: drinking too much alcohol but your body is not strong enough to withstand it, using certain anesthesia or anesthesia, barbiturates, diabetes, electrolyte imbalances, kidney disease, you use certain steroids or some sedatives . Because the causes of this hiccup indicate a symptom of a more serious condition, check it out immediately!

5. You experience serious emotional or mental disorders
7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor! wuwm.com
Yes, psychological conditions can greatly trigger difficult hiccups. Some forms of psychic disorders include: anxiety, stress, extreme happiness in labels and sadness or disappointment. In addition to needing to be immediately examined by a doctor, you must immediately find a way to calm your mind so that your condition can be as relaxed as possible.

6. You just had surgery
7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor! info.trupay.com
Primarily not the operation that caused the prolonged hiccup. The main cause is anesthesi or anesthesia that is used in the operation process that you undergo. But in some cases, the organs around the abdomen that are associated with the operation process can trigger these unrelenting hiccups.

7. If not immediately addressed, prolonged hiccups will greatly interfere with your activities
7 For Prolonged Hiccups, More Than 48 Hours Immediately to the Doctor! inc.com
Reporting from healthline , with the diaphragm being constantly under pressure, you may feel nausea and vomiting constantly. Therefore it will disturb your eating comfort. Not only that, you will also have trouble sleeping, unless you are finally very tired and sleep on your own. In daily life, prolonged hiccups will also affect your speech and decrease the ability to heal wounds after surgery.

Do not postpone further to the doctor if your hiccup lasts more than 48 hours, so that it can be treated immediately. Or if your hiccups torture him to interfere with your eating, sleeping or breathing. Don't let your hiccups be a sign of a more serious illness but it's too late to be dealt with.


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