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More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body!

Every day there are daily events that trigger stress. Starting from a chase deadline , minutes before the presentation, or late attending important appointments. The higher the pressure felt, then our body will respond according to the level of stress experienced.

Even though low to moderate intensity stress can improve performance and train focus, in fact the sensation that is felt during stress often makes us uncomfortable. Our bodies automatically prepare themselves to face the pressure we are facing.

The body's response to stress is known as the fight or flight response . The response that arises due to the release of adrenaline in the blood causes us to feel the heart pounding, sweating and tension when stressed. Besides adrenaline, the body also releases the hormone cortisol, known as stress hormones. The following description will explain the phenomenon that occurs in our body when experiencing stress.

1. Adrenaline flows profusely
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! thoughtco.com
When stressful pressure comes, our body automatically signals the hypothalamic gland in the brain. This hypothalamic gland is in charge of preparing the body by ordering the release of stress hormones, namely the hormones adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol into the blood.

When adrenal hormones enter the bloodstream and flow throughout the body, various systems in the body change. Adrenaline causes the heart to beat faster, breathing more smoothly and quickly. In addition, the glucose reserves stored in the liver and muscles are released to form energy.

2. The heartbeat gets faster
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! unilab.com.ph

Our heart responds to stress by increasing the heart rate and increasing the strength of heart contractions. This increase in heart performance occurs because the body needs more energy to survive stress so that the blood flow is spurred to more smoothly reach other muscles and body tissues.

If stress continues, our body becomes more susceptible to heart and blood vessel disorders. This is because excessive heart rate and performance can result in an increase in blood pressure. In addition, blood vessels are also more susceptible to inflammation so the risk of having a heart attack and stroke is getting higher.

3. Indigestion
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! reportshealthcare.com
Stress can affect bowel movements and absorption of food nutrients. When stressed, the intestinal muscles move more slowly so that digestion becomes less smooth and can result in difficult bowel movements. The stomach also often feels bloated, even pain due to reduced digestive muscle movements.

Stress is also often associated with an increase in stomach acid production which can result in nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. However, this opinion is refuted through a study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology .

The study states that stress does not trigger an increase in stomach acid production. But stress makes the digestive tract more sensitive to stomach acid, so it is prone to gastric acid reflux, heartburn , and nausea and vomiting.

4. Changes in diet
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! mindbodygreen.com
A study conducted at UT Southwestern Medical Center has found a link between stress and excessive appetite. When stressed, the hormone ghrelin, a hormone that causes hunger, increases levels in the blood.

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According to the study, the hormone ghrelin functions to control depressive symptoms due to stress and anxiety. However, unfortunately the side effects experienced by this hormone are an increase in appetite which of course can result in weight gain.

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5. Sweating and body odor
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! active.com
Sweat and body odor often become problems that hit when we experience stress. Because organs such as the heart and lungs work harder, the blood flows faster so that body temperature increases. As a counterweight, more sweat comes out to keep the body temperature normal.

Apart from being sweaty, unpleasant body odor can also appear when stressed. This is because the adrenal hormone can trigger the apocrine glands in the armpit to release fat and protein compounds. This compound is a favorite of bacteria to breed in your armpits. As a result, body odor can not be avoided, especially if the cleanliness of the body is not maintained.

5. The body's immune system becomes weak
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! mynycdoctor.com
Not infrequently when we are stressed, we become vulnerable to diseases such as influenza or diarrhea. This can be explained scientifically because stress can also weaken our body's immune system.

One of the stress hormones, cortisol, functions to reduce inflammation in the short term. However, long-term stress causes the body to continue to be exposed to cortisol which can reduce the amount of white blood cells that are important for immunity. This results in someone experiencing chronic stress becoming more susceptible to infection due to viruses or bacteria.

7. Psychically adapt to be more resilient
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! pixabay / Free-Photos
Even though it often creates discomfort, acute stress can benefit you. With a positive mind and never give up, the stress of training the psychic becomes more resilient.

The point is to respond to stress positively and optimistically, so that stress becomes a tool for us to develop into a better person. After successfully dealing with stress well, the body also adapts and is ready to face greater stress. You also become stronger psychologically.

8. Depression due to stress
More stress? These are 7 Phenomena That Happen to Your Body! pixabay / HolgersFotografie
When stress in a short period of time is beneficial for psychological, continuous stress is just the opposite. Prolonged stress results in changes in the brain's nervous system which can trigger depression.

The hormone cortisol level increases in the morning and slowly decreases in the afternoon until the evening. But when stressed, blood cortisol levels remain high throughout the day. If it occurs continuously, cortisol reduces the performance of the serotonin neurotransmitter in the brain which is important to keep the mood good. As a result of reduced serotonin, the body becomes easily depressed.

Well, there are 7 phenomena that occur in the body when you experience stress. It turns out that stress can be beneficial in the short term, but avoid prolonged stress, because there are more adverse effects on the body!


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