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Take note! These are the 6 Benefits of Watching Horror Films for Body Health

For those of you who are addicted to watching horror films, you must have felt an unusual sensation during certain scenes. Don't get me wrong, it turns out that watching horror films can provide several health benefits. Do you know yet?

The good news, watching horror films does not only stimulate the brain. The more you scream or squeal with fear, the more intake of oxygen enters and the carbon dioxide released.

Still in doubt? Come on, see the review below!

1. Burn lots of calories
Take note! These are the 6 Benefits of Watching Horror Films for Body Health unsplash.com/Karen Zhao
A study conducted in 2012 by the University of Westminster in England asked 10 people to watch several different horror films. Heart rate, carbon dioxide release, and oxygen intake from these people are monitored when they watch movies.

People who watch horror movies will panic and jump several times which causes 113 calories to burn.

Still afraid to watch horror movies?

2. Improve the immune system

Take note! These are the 6 Benefits of Watching Horror Films for Body Health reshenie.vcc.ru
Another study published in the Stress Journal explains that watching a scary or horror movie can also boost the immune system in the short term by facilitating blood circulation and white blood cells (fighting infection) with an increased body response.

3. Good for brain health
Take note! These are the 6 Benefits of Watching Horror Films for Body Health shutterstock.com
Unstable emotional flow while watching a horror movie releases a group of happy hormones in our brain, including a type of dopamine, serotonin, and glutamate. These chemicals not only improve mood, but also act as adrenaline in our body.

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4. Reduces stress
Take note! These are the 6 Benefits of Watching Horror Films for Body Health shutterstock.com
Although this point may not be in accordance with the fact that horror films can cause stress on our bodies, in the end by watching scary movies can help us reduce and manage stress better.

Pumping adrenaline by watching horror films is a good alternative to fighting anxiety and depression.

5. Helps deal with fear
Take note! These are the 6 Benefits of Watching Horror Films for Body Health magiquiz.com
The storyline in horror films is often based on realistic thoughts and things that make us afraid of the reality around us. Subjects and scenes are made from scenarios that are in accordance with reality that can make us afraid.

Because the subject, situation, and scenario are very close to the fears in our lives, then this can help us develop ourselves to be more immune to fear.

6. Overcoming certain phobias
Take note! These are the 6 Benefits of Watching Horror Films for Body Health caak.mn
Are you afraid of some animals? Or want to get rid of the fear of heights? Watching a horror movie will help you deal with and overcome fears or phobias because you are likely to get used to or be trained in various challenges in the horror film.

Well, that's some of the benefits gained from watching horror films for health. So, are you still afraid to watch horror films?


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