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Is it safe to take medicines that have expired? This is the Expert Answer!

All food that can be consumed has an expiration date. This date is the deadline for the end of the guarantee that their products are good and safe for consumption.

So, what about drugs? Is it safe if it's still consumed?

1. Expired drugs may be taken, but see the type of drug and the difference in expiration time
Is it safe to take medicines that have expired? This is the Expert Answer! pexels.com/pixabay
Reporting from HuffPost , according to David Nierenberg, head of clinical pharmacology and toxicology at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center there are several factors whether the drug is still safe for consumption or not. You need to see the type of medication and the difference in expiration time.

According to Nierenberg, most drugs that have expired for several months or even a year are not a problem to consume, provided they are stored properly. One of them is over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin. However, of course drug manufacturers will not guarantee the quality.

2. Liquid drugs are very susceptible to contamination when opened, as well as drugs stored in hot and humid conditions
Is it safe to take medicines that have expired? This is the Expert Answer! flying turtlehealingarts
Nierenberg said that liquid medicine was very vulnerable to bacterial contamination after the seal was opened, even though the expiration date was still far away. That also passed for liquid eye drops. Therefore you are not advised to touch the tip of the bottle.

You also need to pay attention to the instructions for storing drugs. Although not yet expired, certain drugs are very susceptible to damage if stored in a hot and humid place. One example is nitroglycerin tablets or drugs for people with coronary heart disease can be damaged if stored in a hot car drawer.

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3. Drugs that expire may have lost their potential
Is it safe to take medicines that have expired? This is the Expert Answer! jenningswire.com
Drugs produced slowly will lose their potential. The expiration date stated by the drug manufacturer makes it easy for consumers to know when the drug has lost a lot of its potential. This applies mainly to insulin and nitroglycerin drugs.

4. The drug expires may also change its chemical composition
Is it safe to take medicines that have expired? This is the Expert Answer! Pixabay
The drug has chemical compounds that can change smell, color and texture over time. Of course it will be dangerous if you take drugs that have been too far out of date, for years. Not to mention if you keep it badly.

5. Antibiotics are also dangerous if they have expired because they make bacteria resistant
Is it safe to take medicines that have expired? This is the Expert Answer! openbiomedical.org
Drug types of antibiotics are types of drugs that must be taken as per a doctor's prescription. If you take leftover medicine or have expired, of course it will only worsen your condition. That's because the right dose will only make the bacteria that infect you stronger and immune to the drugs you consume.

Drugs past the expiration date may indeed still be drinkable. Even so, if you are in doubt you shouldn't use it again. Especially if you don't store it well.


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