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Must Know, 5 Types of Cancer that Stalk Active Smokers

Although there are many warnings about the dangers of smoking for health, there are still many people who are addicted to smoking. Even though cigarettes are very dangerous for health, and the most severe can threaten life safety, if not immediately stopped the smoking habit. Various studies have found that in one cigarette there are 4,000 chemicals, of which 400 are toxic, and 40 of them are carcinogens, namely substances that can cause cancer.

If just one cigarette has a lot of chemicals, poisons and carcinogens, especially if the cigarette is smoked every day? Of course it will be very dangerous for the health of these smokers. Not only heart disease will lurk active smokers, but also deadly diseases such as cancer. Well, here is a review of five types of cancer that lurk active smokers.

1. Lung cancer
Must Know, 5 Types of Cancer that Stalk Active Smokers dailystar.co.uk
Lung cancer is a condition where the growth of cells becomes uncontrolled in the lung tissue. Cancer This type is the cancer that most active smokers suffer. This happens because when inhaling cigarette smoke, a mixture of chemicals in cigarettes is sent directly to the lungs, and this causes the beginning of damage to your lungs.

With the frequency you smoke, it will cause damage to your lung tissue to become increasingly severe and difficult to overcome, so that this damage causes cells to react abnormally, until finally cancer cells appear.

Not only active smokers are susceptible to lung cancer, but passive smokers are also susceptible to lung cancer, due to exposure to cigarette smoke from people who smoke around them.

2. Oral cancer
Must Know, 5 Types of Cancer that Stalk Active Smokers economictimes.indiatimes.com

Oral cancer is a type of cancer found in the oral cavity (mouth area) and oropharynx (the throat that is behind the mouth). Oral cancer can occur in parts of the teeth, tongue, gums, lips and floor of the mouth (under the tongue). Although oral cancer is a rare cancer, and only about 2% of all cancer cases exist, but this type of cancer is prone to active smokers. In fact, the main factors that can cause oral cancer are cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Cigarettes and tobacco products contain toxic substances, carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) and nicotine (addictive substances), so the more you smoke and chew or dip tobacco, the greater your risk of developing oral cancer.

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3. Cervical cancer
Must Know, 5 Types of Cancer that Stalk Active Smokers babyologist.com
Women who are addicted to smoking have a higher risk of cervical cancer, why? Because cigarettes contain harmful substances, namely benzyrene which can damage cells in the cervical layer. With your frequent smoking, Langerhans cells (cells that fight disease) will not work properly due to mixing with benzyrene, which comes from cigarette smoke.

Women who smoke are three times more likely to develop cervical cancer than women who are not smokers. This happens because the body of a woman who smokes has free radicals, which triggers the body to experience oxidative stress. As a result of this oxidative stress can cause various diseases, one of which is cancer.

4. Liver cancer
Must Know, 5 Types of Cancer that Stalk Active Smokers healthxchange.com
Smoking addiction will not only make you susceptible to lung cancer and oral cancer, but also prone to liver cancer, why? Because cigarettes contain very high toxins, so they have the potential to cause damage to liver function.

Addiction to smoking can make liver cells susceptible to damage, so that the cell regeneration process can not run normally, and cause these cells to develop into cancer. In addition, the content of carcinogens in cigarettes, such as tar and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can trigger liver cancer.

5. Kidney cancer
Must Know, 5 Types of Cancer that Stalk Active Smokers independent.co.uk
Kidney cancer is a cancer that originates in the kidney. Kidney cancer can occur due to several factors, one of which is because the sufferer has a habit of smoking. The content of carcinogens (substances that cause cancer) that exist in cigarettes, can change DNA cells and damage kidney cells, so that kidney function decreases and triggers cancer.

You should immediately stop your smoking habits, because these bad habits will not only cause cancer, but also can cause heart disease, impotence, disorders of pregnancy and the fetus. May be useful!


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