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Alert! 6 of these dangers lurk if you often stay up late in your 20s

Almost everyone seems to have stayed up late. Whether it's because of working on college assignments, office work or just playing around. What is clear is that now more and more people like to stay up late. They think that activities at night are more effective. Even though it's not like that!

In fact, staying up late can actually be bad for health. Indeed, the effect does not occur spontaneously. But this will be seen in the long term. You can be at risk of developing chronic diseases.

For more details, here are some dangers that lurk if you stay up too often, especially in your 20s!

1. Reducing brain nerve function
Alert! 6 of these dangers lurk if you often stay up late in your 20s Pixabay.com/PublicDomainPicture
A study at the University of Aachen, Germany conducted a study scanning the brain of 59 volunteers. They are divided into 3 groups.

First, 16 people who get enough sleep
Second, 23 people who are used to staying up late
Third, 20 people who sometimes sleep enough, sometimes staying up late
The results of the study show that those who have a habit of staying up dominantly have 'white matter' that is not proportional in various areas of their brain. This 'white matter' is a fatty tissue that is responsible for regulating communication between neurons, as well as sending signals to areas of the body.

Well, according to scientists if the 'white matter' is not proportional, it can pose a risk for patients experiencing impaired cognitive function and the risk of depression.

2. Disrupting the reproductive organs, fertility levels can decrease at a young age
Alert! 6 of these dangers lurk if you often stay up late in your 20s hindustantimes.com
An article published in Sleep Medicine , explains that the habit of sleepless nights can have an impact on decreasing fertility. Indeed, there is no conclusive evidence regarding this matter. But medical experts agree that if staying up late can trigger stress and disrupt the body's biological cycle.

This also affects the disruption of reproductive hormones. So the chance for pregnancy also decreases.

3. The risk of obesity, make the body fat fast!
Alert! 6 of these dangers lurk if you often stay up late in your 20s mcgill.ca
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Already a lot of research that links the relationship of staying up with the risk of obesity. One of them is published in the American journal of human biology . In the journal, it was explained that when a person does not get enough sleep at night, the circadian rhythm in his body becomes messy. It also disrupts hormone functions, including the hormone ghrelin, which regulates appetite levels and leptin which regulates hunger.

Usually the leptin and ghelin hormones will increase, so that the impact of that person continues to feel like eating.

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4. Lower the immune system, the body becomes easily sick
Alert! 6 of these dangers lurk if you often stay up late in your 20s rd.com/
The immune system is strongly influenced by the quality of sleep at night. If someone is accustomed to staying up, then obviously his immune system will also be disrupted.

This was also presented in the journal Science , where researchers revealed that sleep deprivation would disrupt the circadian rhythm. And the negative effects that make proinflammatory cells increase. These cells reduce immune function in fighting infections so that the body becomes susceptible to disease!

5. Increases the risk of diabetes or diabetes
Alert! 6 of these dangers lurk if you often stay up late in your 20s pixabay.com/Engin_Akyurt
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism , found that someone who is used to staying up late is prone to an increase in blood sugar. Where for men the risk increases 1-fold, while women are twice the risk.

The reason, why staying up late can cause diabetes, this is because the habit of lack of sleep at night disrupts the body's metabolic functions. Well, if the metabolism doesn't run smoothly, it can trigger the body to experience glucose intolerance. Insulin sensitivity also decreases. So that the impact of blood sugar easily rises and increases the risk of diabetes.

6. Risk of hypertension that affects cardiovascular disease
Alert! 6 of these dangers lurk if you often stay up late in your 20s blog.castbox.fm
The last danger, if you often stay up late, can trigger the risk of hypertension. According to research, someone who lacks sleep is usually prone to stress. This can cause a rise in blood pressure. Of course this can't be underestimated! Over time, hypertension can trigger kidney disorders and the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

Well, that guy did some danger from the habit of staying up late. Very scary, right? So from now on try to sleep at night on time. At least 7-8 hours. Love your health before it's too late!


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