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6 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes, Use As Needed

Without you realizing it, there are actually medicines that if consumed have side effects, namely dry eyes. Some of these drugs are even drugs that can be purchased freely without using a prescription and for various diseases commonly suffered by people. Check the 6 drugs below.

1. Antihistamines

6 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes, Use As Needed wexnermedical.osu.edu
Antihistamines such as Allegra ( fexofenadine ), Claritin ( loratadine ), Zyrtec ( Cetirizine ) and Benadryl ( diphenhydramine ) block the effects of chemical histamine, which the body produces in its attack against allergens. Antihistamines are often consumed to treat allergies and hives. Unfortunately, these drugs have a side effect on your eyes which is making them not produce enough water and making it feel dry.

2. Decongestants
6 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes, Use As Needed consumerreports.org
Decongestants are a type of medicine that is commonly consumed to relieve nasal congestion both due to flu and sinusitis. What is soothing for a stuffy nose may not be soothing in the eyes.

Decongestants work by narrowing the blood vessels in the nasal membranes. Blood flow to the swollen nasal tissue is reduced, allowing a blocked nose to breathe more easily.

Nose decongestants are in the form of pills, fluids and nasal sprays. They are sold under many brand names that contain ingredients such as phenylephrine , pseudoephedrine and oxymetazoline . But like antihistamines, they reduce tear production.

3. Blood pressure-lowering drugs
6 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes, Use As Needed bu.edu
People who take prescription drugs to lower blood pressure and treat certain heart conditions can also suffer from dry eyes. Beta blockers , for example, make the heart rate slow down, reduce the strength of heart muscle contractions and reduce blood vessel contractions. But these drugs can reduce the sensitivity of the cornea and reduce the stimulus for the tear glands to release tears.

4. Antidepressant drugs, antipsychotics and drugs for Parkinson's disease
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6 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes, Use As Needed medicalnewstoday.com
Elavil ( amitriptyline ), tricyclic antidepressants, and thioridazine for schizophrenia are one group of drugs called anticholinergic effects. They block the transmission of nerve impulses. Usually, when the eyes dry, the nerves will send a signal that is forwarded until it reaches its destination and tears are released.

But when the communication network is damaged, the message becomes undeliverable. And that's what leads to dry eyes. Artane ( trihexyphenidyl ), used to combat stiffness, tremors and seizures in Parkinson's disease, has the same anticholinergic properties. Popular drugs such as Zoloft ( sertraline ) and Paxil ( paroxetine ) are included in the class of antidepressants and they can also cause dry eyes.

5. Acne medication
6 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes, Use As Needed proactiv.com
Dermatologists sometimes prescribe isotretinoin for severe acne. This powerful drug, after being sold under the Accutane brand, has a drying effect and is known to cause eye and eyelid irritation.

This drug also decreases mucus production and overall secretion. Although Accutane was withdrawn from the market in 2009, the generic version is still available.

6. Eye drops
6 Medications That Can Cause Dry Eyes, Use As Needed lucid.me
It may sound strange, but certain eye drops actually aggravate dry eye symptoms. Avoid eye drops that aim to remove redness in the eyes. Visine ( tetrahydrozoline ophthalmic ), works by constricting blood vessels to the eye to reduce redness.

But when the droplets wear off, the vessels dilate and can become inflamed again. Find out what caused your eyes to red instead of trying to get rid of the red only.

Now you have not wondered about the reason why your eyes become dry quickly, even though it turns out you are taking certain drugs. Take it easy, it is natural and is a side effect of the drug. But if you really feel very disturbed with dry eyes, you can consult your doctor to try to find other drugs that do not cause dry eyes.


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