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These 5 Signs You Must Start Concerning Your Throat Pain

Sore throats may be common around you, especially if you enter the seasons. Even so, maybe often you ignore your sore throat and let it heal on its own.

Actually, when do you have to worry about your pain and need to see a doctor? The following signs are quoted from quickanddirtytips.com!

1. A sore throat due to a virus
These 5 Signs You Must Start Concerning Your Throat Pain whyareyounothealthy.com
When the seasons change, sore throats usually often occur due to a virus. Although often contracted suddenly, in fact healed quickly too. Viruses such as flu usually start with a sore throat. Some feel normal, but some others can be very painful. A sore throat because the virus usually lasts a few days, then just disappears. It is usually followed by symptoms of runny, stuffy nose to dirty.

The early days will feel bad then peak on the third to fifth day. Then, it will gradually increase in the following days. Mostly, people will feel much better entering the seventh and tenth days. Nobody says that viruses aren't bad. Even so, they are more disturbing than bacteria. Unfortunately, viruses don't have drugs like bacteria. Hopefully, someone will develop a cure for the virus.

2. Can also be caused by bacteria strep throat
These 5 Signs You Must Start Concerning Your Throat Pain fitlife.tv
A sore throat can also be caused by the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes, which usually causes sore throat. Sore throat is not as often as the virus in infecting the throat. Usually more often infect children and adolescents than adults. Meanwhile, the symptoms include fever, enlarged lymph nodes around the neck and throat, and pustules (lumps) in the tonsils in the back of the throat. Usually the symptoms are not accompanied by runny nose and coughing. It feels just a sore throat with fever.

To reduce inflammation, you can take penicillin or amoxicillin . Even so, sometimes strep throat can disappear by itself in two to five days, even without treatment. That's because a good immune system is able to fight infection. However, you should take antibiotics if you experience inflammation.

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3. Due to allergies, such as pollen and dust
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These 5 Signs You Must Start Concerning Your Throat Pain pixabay.com
One of the causes of more chronic sore throats is allergies. As for allergic stimuli in the air, such as pollen or dust triggers the body's immune system to fight when inhaled. As an inflammatory response, the nasal passages will produce fluid. The liquid will then come out of the nostrils, face, or back of the throat or postnasal drip. This phenomenon also occurs when experiencing the common cold.

Postnasal drip can irritate the back of the throat so that it hurts. Even a sore throat can come and go depending on allergies. Usually lighter than the virus and inflammation, but can last a long time. This can also cause you to cough continuously.

4. Caused by acid reflux
These 5 Signs You Must Start Concerning Your Throat Pain demandstudios.com
Acid reflux is another cause of chronic sore throat. Acid reflux can erode and irritate the throat. It hurts and isn't comfortable. Can cause a chronic and irritating cough.

Usually caused by certain foods, such as oranges, caffeine, spicy foods, mint, blueberries, tomatoes, soda, and oily foods. Can also be caused by cigarette smoke. As a result, the contents of food can easily come out from the stomach up.

5. When should you worry and seek treatment?
These 5 Signs You Must Start Concerning Your Throat Pain healthasked.com
Even though it seems trivial, you need to be vigilant if you have a fever of more than seven days, have difficulty breathing, difficulty in speech, difficulty opening your mouth, stiff neck, rashes, chronic sore throats coming and going, and unbearable pain.

If you experience these symptoms and can't handle them yourself, you better consult a doctor to get treatment and treatment to get well soon. Surely this is an unpleasant experience, isn't it, with a constant sore throat?


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