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Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy

Every year, millions of people in Indonesia from various age groups, gender and social groups do chemotherapy. Cancer cells that grow and develop in the body must be destroyed immediately by this medical action.

As a lay person, you might only feel pity when you see chemo patients still struggling to live: hair falling out, limp lying on the bed, complaining of pain, and crying silently. However, have you ever imagined what actually happened to the patient's body to always moan in pain?

1. Chemo drugs also attack healthy cells
Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy dru.pw
Chemo drugs are very powerful to kill cancer cells that grow very quickly. However, even healthy cells were apparently also killed by this drug. As a result, there are many side effects felt by patients.

Sadly, some effects of chemo can also stop after chemotherapy is complete, but some other effects will never disappear. How severe these side effects also depend on the health of the body, age, and the type of chemotherapy that is being undertaken.

2. Weakens the immune system and blood circulation
Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy pinterest.com/reader's digest
While undergoing the chemotherapy process, regular blood checking is a must. This is because the drugs used are quite harmful to the spinal cord, where red blood cells are produced. Therefore, the risk of anemia is also susceptible to chemo patients, as a result of not having enough of their blood cells to transport oxygen to body tissues. The characteristics of anemia which are commonly shown are as follows.

pale skin
head feels light
hard to think
feeling cold
feeling weak
Chemo can also reduce the levels of white blood cells that play an important role in the immune system to prevent and fight infections. Although there are no clear symptoms, patients usually become more susceptible to disease. Even in the matter of blood clotting, chemo also has an effect. The signs can be seen from bleeding in the nose that does not stop quickly, the presence of blood when vomiting, and more menstrual blood than the normal situation.

No less important, some types of chemo drugs also risk weakening the heart muscles or disrupting the heart's rhythm. As a result, the ability of the heart to pump blood throughout the body becomes ineffective. In fact, there are several other types of chemo drugs that increase the risk of heart attack.

3. Interfere with the nervous system and muscles
Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy healthywomen.org
One reason why some chemotherapy patients also often become more emotional and disturbed in their memories is due to the occurrence of chemo fog. Because the chemo drug also affects the central nervous system which functions to regulate emotions, mindset, and coordination. This mild cognitive impairment may disappear after several treatments. However, not a few cases that show chemo brain occur until years later.

Some chemo drugs also make patients feel pain and pain, weakness, to numbness. Muscles will feel weak, sore, or even vibrate. Not only that, motor skills and reflexes can also be reduced, along with balance and coordination disorders.

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4. Disrupt the digestive system
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Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy choosehope.com
The most common side effect of chemotherapy is the detachment system that becomes disrupted. The mouth will feel dry and sore, starting from the tongue, lips, gums, to the esophagus, until it is difficult to chew and swallow. In some cases, the mouth can also be injured so that it is more susceptible to bleeding and infection in the area. In addition, a metallic taste or a tongue filled with white or yellow spots may also occur, making the food feel bad.

These powerful drugs also harm the digestive tract. As a result, vomiting is unavoidable, followed by several other disorders such as: bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and so on. This combination causes patients to lose their passion for eating and causes them to lose weight and feel weak. To avoid the risk of worse, at least make the body stay well hydrated is the way to do it.

5. Affects the reproductive and sexual system
Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy mayoclinic.org
Patients can still engage in sexual activity with a partner, but it is likely that the usual passion and atmosphere will be reduced. This is because chemotherapy is known to change the composition of hormones in both men and women. In men, the effects usually reduce the quantity of sperm and cause temporary infertility.

In women, hormonal changes can cause irregular menstruation, aka hot flashes in the body, until a faster menopause. As in men, temporary infertility is also a very likely effect. The vagina will also feel dry so that sexual activity becomes painful and more susceptible to various infections. For women who are planning a pregnancy, the doctor will also advise to delay first, while in chemo treatment.

6. Harm the excretory system (kidneys and bladder)
Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy medicalnewstoday.com
As an excretion organ, the kidneys work to remove hard chemo drugs from the body. However, this process also endangers this vital organ itself. Some effects that might be produced include:

decreased frequency of urination
swelling of the hands, feet and ankles
bladder irritation with symptoms such as heat and burning sensation when urinating and the frequency of urination that actually increases
To help reduce the greater danger, the doctor will always advise patients to drink more. This is to help encourage chemo drugs out of the body, so that the body's system can still work properly. For the record, for several days in the chemo process, the urine produced may also be red or orange, the result of these drugs.

7. Weakens the skeletal system of the body
Not Easy, 7 This Is Felt by Cancer Patients While Taking Chemotherapy hewell.northwell.edu
Reduced bone mass is common in elderly people. However, even young chemo sufferers can not be separated from this impact. This condition is caused by several types of drugs that reduce calcium levels in the body and bones.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), women who undergo chemotherapy as a treatment for breast cancer have a greater risk of osteoporosis and fractures. The combination of chemo drugs and decreased estrogen levels is the cause. The areas of the body that are more susceptible to bone and joint health problems are: hips, pelvis, wrists, and spine.

In addition to the seven side effects above, chemotherapy also usually causes hair loss on the body, starting from the scalp, eyebrows, to the feet. This condition can even occur in just a few weeks after the chemo process. In addition, disorders of the nails of the hands and feet (more easily broken) and irritated skin are also often unavoidable.

Living life as a cancer sufferer is not easy and the healing process that must be passed is not pleasant. For that, try to empathize more with the people closest to you who are struggling to live against cancer and convince them that they too are still worthy of life.


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