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Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite?

Spicy food, indeed a favorite for Indonesian people. Of course spicy food comes from chili in the form of sauce, chili sauce, or eaten directly as a companion.

Indeed, don't overdo it or often eat spicy food. Because it is not good for the digestive system if there is too much spicy food.

But here it turns out, there are benefits too for those of you who like spicy food. These 7 health benefits for spicy food.

1. Relieves pain
Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite? fimela.com
Who would have thought, in spicy foods that are dominated by chillies it can relieve pain. For example relieve toothache and headaches. Why can? Because in chili contains capacaisin, which can stimulate the release of endorphins in the body.

With the release of endorphins it can kill pain naturally.

2. As an antioxidant
Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite? Pexels / icon0.com

In addition, the capcaicin content in chili can be an antioxidant in the body. That is to protect cells from damage from free radicals.

Also Read: 10 Super Spicy Foods From India Successfully Make Your Lips Dower

3. Prevent cancer
Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite? cheatsheet.com
Inside the chili, there is a content of lycopene cartonoid which has a role to prevent cancer. In addition, the content contains vitamin C, asaam folate, and beta-carotene which play a role in reducing the risk of large intestine.

4. Lower blood pressure and prevent heart attacks
Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite? Pixabay / hamiltonpaviana
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In the long run, for those of you who like chili in spicy foods, it can prevent heart attacks and also lower blood pressure.

This is because the capcaicin content in chili can prevent blood clots to the heart and reduce cholesterol.

5. Accurate feeling sore
Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite? dreamstime.com
Apparently for those of you who like spicy food, achiness can be overcome, you know. With the content of kapsisikol compounds in chili, it can give a warm feeling naturally.

You have used a patch to deal with aches, right? It turns out that the patch contains chili as a patch.

6. Burn fat
Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite? active.com
Who wants a diet, chili can be a natural solution for your 'struggle'! But remember, pay attention to portions and eating patterns too.

Spicy chili is believed to increase metabolism and burn calories in fat. But here, don't overdo it in eating spicy foods.

7. Smooth breathing
Apparently These Are 7 Health Benefits of Spicy Food, Your Favorite? Pexels / Olexandr
Eating chili can indeed increase the body's metabolism, and it turns out this also can facilitate breathing.

For example, if your nose is blocked or runny nose. That way, the respiratory tract to the lungs becomes smooth.

Can eat full as well as health benefits. As long as this is done, don't consume too much or consume too much and keep eating patterns too!


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