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For Health, Indonesians Will Fly to These 4 Countries

The term "prevent is better than cure" is indeed true. Not just a figure of speech, today the treatment is up to millions of rupiah for a single treatment. What if you have to go out for a certain period of time? Can it be up to hundreds or not?

So IDN Times is no wonder that many people, especially Indonesia, are willing to fly to certain countries that are claimed to have the latest health facilities . Note that guys !

1. Singapore
For Health, Indonesians Will Fly to These 4 Countries straitstimes.com
Oh, Singapore's reflection is an option for treatment. Because some hospitals there have world-class quality, and even occupy the first position in Southeast Asia, and sixth in the world. Not only that, in Singapore it is like living and realizing a healthy life, starting from medical facilities to controlling the disease that patients suffer. Do not be surprised if the government there will guarantee that its citizens are guaranteed treatment. Wow!

2. Thailand
For Health, Indonesians Will Fly to These 4 Countries nypost.com
Still in the Asian region, guys , then there is the country of Thailand. Approximately there are two basic things that make this white elephant state successful and successful in the health sector, namely health marketing and a good insurance system . Unlike the case with Indonesia, the health system there does not have to be tiered. So don't be surprised if you find it difficult to find a midwife or clinic, because direct maternal services are in the hospital.

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3. Colombia
For Health, Indonesians Will Fly to These 4 Countries electives.net
No, it's not about drugs or other illegal drugs. In Colombia, the health services are also okay, guys , especially about health insurance and facilities. Their health facilities can also be enjoyed by everyone, both Colombians and foreigners. Moreover, the service does not need to be complicated, if your treatment is complete, you do not need to sign a specific document, and only a permit is issued, after you have completed the administration at the hospital.

4. Malaysia
For Health, Indonesians Will Fly to These 4 Countries internationalinvestor.com
Now it's the turn of the neighboring country that will show off about the country's best health facilities. In Malaysia, specialist doctors are on standby for 24 hours and graduates of doctors there are trained in developed countries, such as Britain, Australia and the United States. Even about the cost of service, Malaysia is still relatively cheap, you know.

Wait a minute, speaking of Malaysia, do you know if this country has been named the country with the best health facilities in the world? Starting from Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Penang, Johor and many more. The point is really complete there.

Oh, guys, don't let me regret, and love the best for your loved ones even if you have to fly abroad to get better care. Calm down, now there is an Allianz Hospital & Surgical Care Premier . So this is a rider or additional services for Allianz insurance customers. Just by adding this rider to your Allianz insurance plan , you and your closest people can get medical services overseas. Wow!

All maintenance costs according to the bill will be borne by Allianz. So, you can focus on moral support only. In addition, the insured can also choose private or semi private treatment rooms, according to their wants and needs. Well, can you see that indeed Allianz is #moreCare ? Check the full info here, let's go!


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