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Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis

Both are caused by viruses, sinusitis is often equated with flu. But in fact these two things are different, guys. The obvious difference lies in the length of the healing process and its treatment. The flu can heal within ten days or even less, just by drinking warm water and resting. Whereas sinusitis, you should take antibiotics and get serious treatment from a doctor.

The definition of sinusitis is the occurrence of inflammation or swelling in the sinus tissue. The sinus tissue is a nasal cavity filled with air behind the face that has mucous-producing mucous layers. This mucus has a function to keep the nose moist, so that particles are dirty and germs do not enter the respiratory tract.

If the sinus is blocked, then the area will become a place targeted by germs to develop and cause infection. Well, you yourself already know what can cause the sinus to become infected? The review below will explain some of the causes. Come on, see!

1. Virus
Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis nypost.com
Swelling and inflammation that occurs in the living cavity is caused by a virus that enters the upper respiratory tract. Its presence causes the production of excessive mucus to accumulate and there is a blockage in the nasal passages. Conditions like this allow bacteria or germs to develop and cause infection.

2. Polyps
Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis self.com
Polyps are small, benign tissue that grows on the nose or sinus cavity tissue. Existing polyps cause the sinus cavity not to get air flow so the mucus does not dry out and out of this cavity. This condition causes inflammation of the sinus cavity.

3. Smoking and smoking cigarette smoke
Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis unsplash.com
This one bad habit can make the nose more sensitive. Why? Because the natural cleansing system owned by the nose has damage due to the content of harmful substances contained in cigarettes so that smokers are more susceptible to inflammation of the sinus cavity. Being in a polluted environment like the amount of air pollution from motor vehicle fumes and too often inhaling cigarette smoke without any protection on the nose can also trigger destruction of the sinus cavity.

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4. Diving and swimming
Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis unsplash.com
If you do not want to get sinusitis, it is recommended not to take too long in swimming activities. The chlorine content can irritate the nasal lining and interfere with the sinus cavity. In addition, diving too often and for a long time should also be avoided, because the great pressure obtained during diving can push water into the sinus cavity and damage the tissue.

5. Use airplanes as accommodation to travel
Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis unsplash.com
Choosing an airplane as your means of transportation on a business trip or traveling is an option that is (considered by many people) appropriate, because it can cut travel time and save energy. But the pressure obtained during takeoff and landing can block the sinus cavity and respiratory tract.

6. Weak antibodies
Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis unsplash.com
Reporting from Verry Well Health page, people who have HIV / AIDS are more likely to experience sinusitis. Because, people affected by HIV / AIDS have a weak immune system, making it easier for bacteria or viruses to attack the body.

7. Dental infections
Unexpectedly, the following 7 things can actually cause sinusitis nationaldentalcare.com.au
Lack of attention to dental health to leave it damaged and perforated is one reason a person can experience sinusitis. Because the root of the tooth, especially the upper part, sometimes reaches the sinus tissue, so that if it is infected it can spread to the sinus cavity.

Now, you already know why someone can experience sinusitis. Avoid and always remember the reviews above, so that you are free from inflammation of the nasal cavity.


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