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From Bread to Nugget, Ultra-Food Process that Increases Cancer Risk

The team of researchers from the Sorbonne University in Paris Cite used food surveys for two days to find out what people ate.

Then they followed the diet of people, most of whom were middle-aged women, for 5 years.

The results, published in the British Medica Journal, showed that if the portion of ultra-processed foods in their diet increased by 10%, the risk of developing cancer also increased by 12%.

During the study they found:

- On average, by 18% in their diet is ultra-process food
- On average, there are 79 cancers that suffer 10,000 people per year
- Increasing the proportion of processed foods by 10% will cause 9 additional cancers per 10,000 people per year

"These results indicate that increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods quickly can lead to an increase in the burden of cancer in the coming decades," concluded the researchers.

From Bread to Nugget, Ultra-Food Process that Increases Cancer Risk - 2
Illustration of nuggets. (Shutterstock)
This study is far from the definitive definition of processed food and cancer. It can't be said that ultra-processed food is a cause of cancer.

There are also other factors besides consuming ultra-food processes that are associated with cancer risk.

For example they are more likely to smoke, less active, consume more calories overall.

Many careful steps were revealed about this research, but experts say a healthy diet or healthy diet is the best solution.

But they say the findings need to be "confirmed by other large-scale studies" and research is needed to determine what might be behind the link.


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