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7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know

In the era of high mobility like today, maybe we rarely see someone taking time to take a nap. In fact, napping itself also has a negative stigma, which is considered only for lazy people.

Eits, wait a minute! For those who think napping is a waste of time, they already know that if you don't, nap has many benefits. Some of them are as follows. Check out!

1. Noon rest does not disturb your night's sleep
7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know unsplash.com/brucemars
No need to worry about napping will disturb your sleep schedule at night. If you are sleepy during the day, don't hesitate to sleep. Because it doesn't have the effect of keeping you up all night, unless it's an overstatement.

2. Napping can improve the immune system
7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know www.proeves.com
Based on a study in 2015, which was published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, it took about 2 hours to rest during the day, it turned out to be beneficial to improve the human immune system.

This is because napping can reduce the levels of epinephrine and dopamine, chemicals that are related to the body's metabolic response.

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3. Napping is also able to improve one's memory skills
7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know mix.com
In other research, a journal entitled Neurobiology of Learning and Memory explains that napping can significantly improve the associative memory of the brain.

In the study, an experiment was conducted whose results were, participants who were asked to memorize a number of random words, then take a nap, proved to be able to remember 5 times more when they wake up, compared to other participants who did not take a nap.

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4. In fact, napping can make someone feel happy
7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know site.eightsleep.com
Who would have thought, napping was beneficial to improve one's mood . This is because, a short break in the middle of the day makes people less impulsive. Finally, someone becomes more tolerant of things that make them stressful and frustrated.

5. Surely napping will not make someone feel tired
7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know unsplash.com/yirage
That is a myth that is quite familiar, that the body will feel tired and lethargic after waking up during the day, as a result it might make someone become less excited. Whereas on the contrary, taking the time to take a nap makes a person more alert, and more responsive in responding to a stimulus.

6. Uniquely, napping turns out to be able to increase one's creativity
7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know www.creativelive.com
Even though it breaks with a short duration, naps can actually increase the activity of the right brain. Where, the hemisphere is related to regulating creativity and insight. Not only that, napping is also able to encourage cross communication between the right and left brain so that a person's creative and analytical side becomes honed.

7. Napping even helps you to be a good decision-maker
7 Amazing Benefits of Napping That You Might Not Know www.poke-studio.com
Everyone has an ability called cognitive flexibility, which determines how adaptive a person is to new concepts and information. Through a short nap, this ability can increase. As a result, the more flexible one's thoughts are, the easier it is to make the best decisions.

Well, it turns out that there are so many benefits from taking a nap? Even though it has many benefits, it's entirely your choice whether to try to get used to it or not, because actually just resting at night is enough.


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