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10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger!

Malaria is a dangerous and life-threatening disease. Malaria is transmitted through the bite of the anopheles mosquito carrying the plasmodium parasite. Malaria is usually found in tropical and subtropical climates where parasites can live. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that in 2016, there were around 216 million malaria cases in 91 countries.

Once on someone's body, the parasite will go to the heart and grow up. After a few days, adult parasites enter the bloodstream and start infecting red blood cells. Within 48 to 72 hours, the parasites in red blood cells multiply and cause infection.

Parasites will continue to infect red blood cells and produce symptoms that occur within two to three days. Reporting from Malaria Site , following the symptoms you need to watch out for!

1. Malaria known as paroxysm fever, starts from chills, high fever, and sweats or is called cold, hot, and sweating
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! rawpixel.com/379188
2. During the initial 48 hours of infection, not everyone has any fever, even though some feel headaches and body aches
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! unsplash.com/Nik Shuliahin
3. The first cold stage lasts for 15-60 minutes and is characterized by cold and shivering
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! thehindu.com

4. Then, followed by a heat stage with a temperature of 39-41.5 degrees Celsius for 2-6 hours
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! thestar.com
5. Patients will also feel heat, dry skin, headaches, nausea, and vomiting
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! madewithoils.com
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6. The next stage is sweating which is characterized by fever that drops rapidly and sweats for 2-4 hours
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! webmd.com
7. Patients can also experience diarrhea
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! globalnews.ca
8. Because these parasites infect the bloodstream, patients can experience anemia
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! achieveclinical.com
9. Not infrequently also some sufferers will experience bloody stools
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! checkpregnancy.com
10. In severe cases, sufferers can experience coma
10 Symptoms of Malaria, Don't Let You Leave Because of Danger! nursingtimes.net
Immediately refer to the doctor if you experience the above symptoms, especially those of you who live in areas that are endemic to malaria. A quick and precise action can save your life.


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