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These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking

Like other addiction, cigarette addiction is not easy to stop. One reason is because the body must experience a difficult time when it begins to adapt without nicotine.

The body's efforts cause some unpleasant symptoms that might interfere with daily activities. However, these symptoms only occur for a while.

Reporting from verywellmind.com, let's know what symptoms will be experienced when stopping smoking.

1. A strong desire to suck nicotine again
These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking pixabay.com/ferobanjo
All people who have just stopped smoking will experience this. A strong desire to consume nicotine can arise very strongly. But the taste only lasts 5 to 10 minutes. Every time that happens you must be able to refrain from consuming nicotine and be sure that you can pass.

You can also skip this phase by eating gum or other substitute products.

2. Insomnia and concentration difficulties
These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking pixabay.com/geralt

Reduced intake of nicotine from the body will cause sleep disturbances at night and difficulty concentrating during the daytime. This happens because regulatory changes to dopamine usually increase when smoking becomes reduced or no longer exists.

3. Emotions are unstable, irritable, anxious, and depressed
These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking pixabay.com/Olichel
Early symptoms such as mood changes occur due to the influence of endocrine and central nervous metabolism. The body that has not been absorbed by nicotine experiences transient imbalances that result in psychological conditions.

The key, keep fighting through it and realize that this phase is natural by those of you who are determined.

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4. Increased appetite followed by weight gain
These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking freepik.com/freepic.diller
As a substitute for nicotine, a former smoker tends to eat other things like snacks and so on. When you stop smoking, you will experience a decrease in blood sugar. As a result the body wants other things through sudden hunger. To overcome this, the body needs carbohydrates, sugar, and other foods.

5. Flu symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and dizziness
These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking freepik.com/freepic.diller
Symptoms like this are commonly called "quitter's flu" . Commonly experienced by people who struggle to quit smoking. The body will experience mild fever, weakness, coughing, nasal congestion, dry throat. This body change without nicotine is almost the same as the body's reaction when facing germs. These symptoms only last a few days. Keep going , yeah!

6. Constipation or difficult bowel movements
These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking freepik.com/jcomp
Not all people who stop smoking experience constipation or constipation or difficulty defecating. This symptom is only experienced by 1 in 6 people who stop smoking. This happens because there is a change in the rhythm of the digestive system after nicotine intake is eliminated.

7. The longer you stop smoking, the less diminished symptoms are replaced by a body that feels fresh
These 7 Adaptive Symptoms Will Be Experienced by the Body of People Who Quit Smoking pixabay.com/Pexels
Every day, uncomfortable symptoms will stop. That means your body has gone through an adaptation process without nicotine. You will feel your body more refreshed, good sleep rhythms, and normal mood conditions. Even you will feel healthier than when you are a smoker.

Quitting smoking is indeed not easy. There is a phase where you have to experience suffering. But this phase will be much lighter than the bad effects in the future if you continue to be a smoker. Do not give up, after the difficulties there must be convenience.


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