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Breakfast is good, but it's good to pay attention to these 6 things first

Before doing an activity, it feels incomplete if we skip breakfast every morning. Breakfast in the morning is intended to meet the energy intake in the body properly. Unfortunately, awareness about breakfast as a healthy food with balanced nutrition does not seem to have many people. No wonder the habits that are actually wrong as below are still being done. Anything huh? Check out!

1. Prefer to consume juice rather than water
Breakfast is good, but it's good to pay attention to these 6 things first Shutterstock / Tom Wang
Consumption of fruits and vegetables in the morning is good for digestion and for energy. However, for the morning, juice actually contains 110 calories in each glass, while after sleeping, the body loses a lot of fluids, so it needs more mineral water to avoid dehydration. But, for those of you who want to drink juice, it is still advisable to drink mineral water first.

2. Eating small foods that turn out to be large in calories
Breakfast is good, but it's good to pay attention to these 6 things first Shutterstock / Elena Veselova
Are you on a diet and avoid certain foods? Until finally deciding to eat a muffin or cake that is smaller in size. Do you know? Although small in size, a muffin turns out to have twice the sugar content higher than the normal intake that one should consume in a day. Come on, check your intake again at breakfast!

3. Breakfast with a small portion
Breakfast is good, but it's good to pay attention to these 6 things first Shutterstock / Motortion Film
Many think that one of the keys to getting a healthy body is to eat less. Eits, it turns out this is not the right thing, because we should eat enough portions. Even if you eat a smaller portion of your breakfast , chances are that you will eat more portions at a later meal. Well, don't want to go crazy right?

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4. Breakfast is eaten, not drunk
Breakfast is good, but it's good to pay attention to these 6 things first Shutterstock / Oksana Mizina
One mistake at breakfast that is still often done by many people is the assumption that breakfast is enough with only food that can be drunk like instant cereal. In fact, the intake of balanced nutrition and nutrition should be consumed by eating, through perfect chewing so that it can not only be filling but also able to provide a good stimulus for our digestive tract.

Fortunately, there is now NESTUM , a multigrain slurry from Nestle which contains whole wheat, rice and corn. The content of GrainSmarta (Fiber, Multi Vitamins and Minerals) contained in it can make you more energetic to move throughout the day. In addition, with NESTUM you can also feel full longer. Come on, get ready NESTUM at home right now, because breakfast is eaten not drunk!

5. Lack of fiber intake
Breakfast is good, but it's good to pay attention to these 6 things first Shutterstock / Paulaphoto
One food intake that is high in fiber is fruit and vegetables. These are two foods that are highly recommended for everyone. Fiber alone can not only function to hold back so that we can fill longer, but also to facilitate the digestive tract.

6. Eating too much carbo intake
Breakfast is good, but it's good to pay attention to these 6 things first Shutterstock / Ariyani Tedjo
One thing to remember, what is excessive is not good, guys . Likewise, when we eat foods that contain too much carbohydrate in the morning. It turns out that intake like this is not good for your body in the morning. Because it can cause drowsiness, lack of concentration, increase body weight even to digestive disorders. Wow, the danger is it turns out, guys ?

What? Your eating habits are right or still do the wrong habits as above? Come on, fix your breakfast intake immediately, and don't forget it, breakfast is eaten not drunk!


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