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7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known!

Stretch marks are conditions in which red strokes like the pulse appear with a length of several millimeters to centimeters. Stretch marks usually appear due to excessive stretching of the skin.

However, it turns out stretch marks can also occur due to other things. What are they? Check out the following information about the causes of appearing stretch marks !

1. Obesity
7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known! medicalnewstoday.com
Obesity that occurs in a short time can trigger the appearance of stretch marks on the body. Generally, stretch marks will appear in the area of ​​the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs. In addition, stretch marks in men will usually appear when the body starts to return to thin so that the skin looks like it is damaged.

2. Growth during puberty
7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known! akronohiomoms.com
When entering puberty, secondary and primary sex signs will begin to grow significantly. This growth sometimes affects the appearance of stretch marks in considerable amounts. Usually these conditions occur in children who are fast and easily rise or fall in weight.

3. Steroid drugs

7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known! everydayhealth.com
Taking drugs with high steroid levels can also be a cause of the appearance of stretch marks . This is because the high steroid content can affect certain hormone levels so that the body experiences stretching and stretch marks .

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4. Childbirth
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7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known! inews.co.uk
When the body is pregnant, usually the skin in the waist and abdomen and thighs will stretch. As a result, after completing the birth process, the body will return to normal, but stretched skin will leave marks or stretch marks .

5. Increased muscle mass
7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known! webmd.com
Having a body that is proportional to the muscles in various members of the body will certainly make the appearance more perfect. Therefore, not a few people go to the gym to get the ideal body they want.

Unfortunately, when the body is perfectly formed and you don't maintain it, it can actually make your appearance worse. Because, the skin that has stretched will become loose and cause stretch marks .

6. The fix: Aloe vera
7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known! ghafla.com
Aloe vera can actually help treat skin elasticity to stay elastic. So, if you use it regularly, stretch marks will slowly begin to disappear. In addition, aloe vera can also be used as medicine if your skin is on fire.

7. The fix: stretch marks removal cream
7 Causes of the appearance of stretch marks that must be known! cheatsheet.com
If you want to get rid of stretch marks quickly, then try using a stretch mark removal cream that is easily available at a pharmacy or supermarket. Even though you can't completely eliminate it, you can try to disguise it and do a laser at the doctor so that stretch marks are completely gone.

There are a few things that can cause the appearance of stretch marks on the body. If this condition has already occurred, you should resolve it immediately so that your appearance is not damaged by it.


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